The Bad Dudes are:
Posu Yan
Dale North
Tim Sheehy
Jon Delvaux
Joshua Morse
Kunal Majmudar
Danimal Cannon
We’ve put out quite a bit of music over the years. Some you have to buy, some you can get for free, but all of it – you need. Are you a Bad enough Dude to collect them all? Scroll down for free .ZIP files, Bandcamp links, and Spotify, iTunes links, etc.

[ME-009] 2016.11.24
Buy CD
Part I – Bandcamp | Spotify | iTunes | Google Play | Amazon
Part II – Bandcamp | Spotify | iTunes | Google Play | Amazon
Fangamer wanted music for its giant Kickstarter project – You Are Now EarthBound. They needed not just music – but the best music. So they called us. And because fans wanted more, the stretch goal for a 2 disc set was smashed. Get the 2 disc LIMITED EDITION album before it’s gone. Otherwise, settle for “Part I” and “Part II” available digitally, but with one less track per disc… Don’t waste any time, because you can’t get time back, baby. …unless you have a time machine.

Metroid Arrange 25th Anniversary Album
[OUS-010] | 2011.12.20
Buy CD | Bandcamp | iTunes | Amazon | Google Play | Spotify | View Trailer
For 25 years, Samus Aran has been traveling the galaxy fighting space pirates, Metroids and, in general, making Michelle Rodriguez look like Barney the Dinosaur. In 2011, the Bad Dudes released a tribute to her storied career, entitled Metroid Arrange 25th Anniversary Album. From the team that brought you the critically-acclaimed arranged album, CHRONOTORIOUS, this limited edition release comes packed with over 71 minutes of music, an exclusive double-sided poster from artists Steph Laberis and Brianne Drouhard, along with a four-page comic by Maximo Lorenzo. Only a thousand copies have been manufactured, so order yours while supplies last. There will be no whining this time. If you miss out on the physical copy, that’s it.
All eMails whining and asking for a reprint will be printed out and used as toilet paper. Just ask yourself – WWSD? She’d get on the ball, that’s what. Wow, that was punny. But you are puny. Unless you buy this CD. The choice is yours.

[ME-004] | 2013.06.01
Buy CD | Bandcamp | iTunes | Amazon | Google Play | Spotify
The incredible soundtrack to Chrono Trigger gets the Bad Dudes treatment. Fifteen tracks of Chrono goodness await you. Digital downloads are available from your favorite digital stores. The physical CD is now available [second edition] thanks to Fangamer.net. The CD features artwork by Maximo V. Lorenzo, Brianne Drouhard, Olga Ulanova, Laura Wilson, Will Collins, and contains a poster by Steph Laberis. Get the album that RPGFan.com calls “the best you can get for the Chrono series.” ~ Patrick Gann, RPGFan.com

The Very Best of SEGA
[ME-007] | 2014.09.09
Bandcamp | iTunes | Amazon | Google Play | Spotify
‘Cause SEGA does what Ninten-don’t, we put together this tribute to the little developer that couldn’t. Tracks from your favorite SEGA franchises like Sonic, Streets of Rage, Panzer Dragoon, Skies of Arcadia, and more. Pick up this one and relive your childhood. You know you wanna.

A Tribute to Yasunori Mitsuda
[ME-001] | 2013.03.12
Bandcamp | iTunes | Google Play | Spotify
Who isn’t a fan of Mitsuda? Tracks here from Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears – this album delivers your Mitsuda-fan fix. Wanna hear Ailsean shred on “Scars of Time?” We got it. Wanna hear Dale North’s take on “October Mermaid?” We got it. Now you’re gonna get it. Right? Good.

Bad Dudes 2012 MAGFest Sampler
[EP-09] | 2012.01.07
Buy from Bandcamp
If you don’t know what MAGFest is, get on that, son. We compiled this collection for MAGFest 2012, obviously, and we’re offering it to those of you that weren’t there. Tracks from Chrono Trigger, Skyrim, Animal Crossing, Castlevania, and more. Head to the Bandcamp page and buy it.

Heroes vs. Villains
[OCRA-0022] | 2011.02.07
Heroes vs. Villains is a free album from both the Bad Dudes and Overclocked ReMix, bringing opposing hero and villain themes together as remixed by “opposing” Bad Dude and Overclocked ReMix artists. The OCR peeps took on the hero themes, and the Bad Dudes, appropriately, handled all the villains.
This album marks the first official collaboration between these two factions in the video game remixing world, and the end result can only be called incredible. To think, one project that includes top-notch arrangements from classics such as The Legend of Zelda, the Monkey Island Series, Super Metroid, Mega Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, God of War, and more.

[EP-07] | 2009.12.16
Free Download from Bandcamp
Tired of the same old video game remix, the Bad Dudes had to come up with something that would actually challenge them. So Mazedude says, “How about we remix the game jingles? You know – ‘you died,’ ‘menu screen’ – stuff like that?” Rework a 15 second game tune into a full length composition? It’s something only the Baddest of Dudes can pull off well. And you know how we do, so get it. Or else.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night – Resurrection
[EP-06] | 2008.10.30
Some Bad Dudes, with the help of some friends, take on the legendary Symphony of the Night soundtrack by Michiru Yamane. The release comes just in time for Halloween (though it’s not really spooky, but if you don’t like it, go suck an egg). You know the drill by now – download this and prepare for radness. If this is your first time with the Bad Dudes, check out our other EPs. And remember to donate money – it helps pay for the Holy Water. Artwork by 8BitMaximo.

Thai Guy
[EP-05] | 2008.08.23
Throughout history, you’ll find many great ideas – the printing press, for example. Or the theory of relativity. But all ideas pale in comparison to Dale North and Kunal Majmudar’s joint brainstorm to make an album of nothing but arrangements of Sagat’s theme from Street Fighter II. And the icing on the cake? Naming it Thai Guy. The Bad Dudes are back and this time, it’s for real. Yes, we seriously did nothing but remixes of Sagat and you’ve never heard anything more rad in your life. As one of the more rhythmically complex tunes in the video game universe, this EP features some eclectic arrangements and some really interesting ideas. 8 tracks. 2 bonus tracks (Mazedude’s previously released “Sagat’s Moonbike,” and Dhsu’s 22 second arrangement that was so good he didn’t even have to finish it). Amazing artwork by 8BITMAXIMO. Prepare yourself! Click download, go find and dust off your eyepatch, and donate some money or you might find a huge scar on your chest, punk!

Super Dodgeball – No Balls, No Glory
[EP-04] | 2008.05.13
In June of 1989, the United States was given a great gift. Super Dodgeball on the Nintendo Entertainment System. In 2008, we’ll see a remake of this classic game unleashed on the Nintendo DS as Super Dodge Ball Brawlers. In honor of this amazing game, which was nothing more than hard-core athletes throwing volleyballs at each other, the Bad Dudes have put together an album of arrangements of Kazuo Sawa’s original Super Dodgeball video game score. Tracks were generally assigned by ethnicity (or proximity), which resulted in some amazingly unique arrangements – often with a little ethnic spice. So get some wrist bands, find the shortest shorts you can get your hands on and get ready to get whacked in the face by our balls.

Zombies Rocked My Neighbors
[EP-03] | 2007.10.25
The Bad Dudes are back with another EP of some freaky business for you all. It’s Halloween and time to scare some kids. So we deliver unto you some scary tracks (and well, some not so scary tracks, but they rock anyway). Put them on your Haunted House playlists for the neighborhood kids or just freak out your friends by locking them in the closet for a few weeks, not feeding them, and making them listen to zyko. ouch. Enjoy this freaky business and we’ll deliver more sooner than later.

Bad Dudes EP
[EP-02] | 2006.10.27
In Mid-September, 2006, I realized that I hadn’t heard any music from myself or my friends in some time. I called up everyone to see how they were doing and it appeared that everyone was under a funky spell. I knew this spell had to be broken…
The Bad Dudes were formed. Not a re-creation of the Bad Dudes original NES soundtrack, but a reminder that we’re all bad dudes, and we’ve gotta put it down. I told everyone to sit down and bust out a hot boss, battle, or just all-around tough track and warp in into something representative of us Bad Dudes.
The .ZIP file below will probably beat you up if you download it. You’re encouraged to click the PayPal button and donate some money. Donating money keeps the heat off of you. If you’ve donated money, we won’t beat you up next time we see you. If you don’t donate money, well…
We will kill you. You can download it for free, but donate the money or else – or else what? – exactly… ~Mustin